Terms of Use

Welcome to gartapparel.com (the “Site”), owned and operated by Gart Apparel LLC.

We are committed to providing a safe and positive experience to all users on our Site. To help us do that, we need you to follow a few basic rules when you’re here. Don’t worry, it’s not very complicated.

Also, by accessing trusthimfirst.com you agree to the following Terms of Use. These Terms of Use are effective as of September 1st, 2021.

Using gartapparel.com

You accept trusthimfirst.com “as-is” and choose to use it at your own risk. Despite the prohibitions below, gartapparel.com may contain inaccurate, inappropriate, or possibly offensive material, and we assume no responsibility or liability for such material.

When using our Site, you must comply with all applicable laws, including federal, state, and local laws, the laws of your jurisdiction, and laws regarding the transmission of technical data.

You also agree not to:

  • Display, send, receive, or store obscene or inappropriate content.
  • Threaten, harass, stalk, defame, or defraud any person or entity.
  • Violate copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws.
  • Advertise, promote, endorse, or market, directly or indirectly, any third-party

commercial products, services, solutions, or other technologies.

  • Attempt to collect, store, or publish personally identifiable information (a) without

the owner’s knowledge and consent or (b) of a minor under the age of thirteen (13) in any circumstance.

  • Distribute unwanted, unsolicited, or harassing mass email or other messages,

promotions, advertising, or solicitations (“spam”).

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